Saturday, October 16, 2021

The Path Beside the Still Waters


Are you facing life with a loved one with Alzheimer’s?

Are you struggling with the emotional toll that it is taking?

Do you want to find some way of keeping the flame of their life going?

Alzheimer’s is a cruel disease that robs those who have it of precious memories and abilities that they once took for granted. Not only that but it leaves a trail of destruction for family members, partners, wives, husband and children that there can seem to be no answer to. But there is always hope, and it can often be found in circumstances where it seems most unlikely.

In this book, The Path Beside the Still Waters, Shaun Lennon describes how he and his wife fought back against Alzheimer’s, to snatch back small fragments of her life and offer hope to others who face similar conditions.

Faced with a bleak future, Shaun set about creating a new life for her, where she could enjoy long walks, cafés, conversations with friends and strangers alike, and find renewed joy and laughter at an unlikely crossroad of her life.

It is a book written to appeal to those who face similar anguish, who are interested in the struggle for life and the immense importance of keeping its purpose, joy and hope alive in spite of an illness that only threatens to rob and destroy.

Click here to get The Path Beside the Still Waters

on Amazon / Kindle 


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