Friday, June 17, 2022

Mommy Doesn't Love Me


Emotional wounds are delicate, because they can’t be seen but felt. However, children who grow up without their emotional needs met, will tend to struggle through life second guessing themselves and seeking outside approval as a norm. It means they weren’t able to gain the emotional safety needed in childhood, which is learned through the feminine energy or Mother, which is why they seek it in teachers, partners (codependency) and later with their own kids (parentification, the role reversal where the child grows up taking care of the adult thereby loses their own right to have a childhood). 

This book does not touch upon abuse in a direct way, it touches upon shame, abandonment, neglect, rejection, and some templates of narcissistic mothers in a very subtle way as to not continue to harm the unconscious mind of the child or adult doing Inner Child work. It helps you grieve the unconditional love you didn’t have or the mother figure who used to protect you and is now gone.

With the use of symbolism and future pacing the "loss of a mother", this is a therapeutic tool of self-healing, which can be read by children 7 years up. It is also recommended that it’s read by an alternative caregiver as a form of support, foster/adoptive/stepparents, or by an adult working on their childhood trauma (looking to validate the child inside). It may even bring some childhood memories for the adult that thought they couldn't "remember" anything about their childhood. 

With the magical stories of 6 unique kids, who have lost their emotional safety in the world, the child or adult wanting to do Inner Child work will rediscover the potential of their true self, the one that was lost due to trauma, in the present or all the way in the past. 

Click here to get Mommy Doesn't Love Me on Amazon 

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