Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Adventure of Foot, Footfoot, and Footfootfoot

     Book Cover


Discover the enchanting world of "The Adventure of Foot, Footfoot, and Footfootfoot" by Brandon Greenway, a delightful tale that will captivate readers young and old alike. This charming story follows the daring escapades of three little rabbits as they embark on a quest filled with bravery, friendship, and discovery. In this beautifully illustrated story, readers meet Foot, Footfoot, and Footfootfoot—three adventurous rabbits who are no longer content with staying within the safety of their home. Yearning for excitement, they decide to venture across The Big Field into the mysterious woods in search of The Dark Lake. Despite their mother's warnings about the dangers that lie beyond, the trio is determined to prove they are not "little rabbits" anymore. The rabbits' journey is filled with thrilling moments and unexpected challenges. Foot, the cautious leader; Footfoot, the clever strategist; and Footfootfoot, the fearless explorer, each bring their unique strengths to the group. As they navigate through the vast field and dense woods, they encounter various creatures, including a lost squirrel named Puffy, who joins them in their quest. The story takes a suspenseful turn when the rabbits and Puffy cross paths with the cunning Mr. Swindleton, a fox with dubious intentions. Just as things start to look bleak, the trio's quick thinking and the timely arrival of Mr. Groundhog and Mother Rabbit turn the tide, showcasing the power of teamwork and familial bonds. "The Adventure of Foot, Footfoot, and Footfootfoot" is a story about growth and self-discovery. As the young rabbits face their fears and learn valuable lessons about trust, responsibility, and bravery, readers are reminded of the importance of stepping out of their comfort zones and believing in their own capabilities. Brandon Greenway's engaging narrative and endearing characters make this book a perfect read for children. The vibrant illustrations bring the story to life, keeping young readers enthralled from start to finish. Parents and educators will appreciate the book's positive messages and the opportunities it provides for discussions about courage, friendship, and family. Ready to dive into the adventure? Get your copy of "The Adventure of Foot, Footfoot, and Footfootfoot" today on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and embark on a journey you won't forget!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

My Brother’s Keeper?: The Complicated Relationship between American Jews and Israel

Book Cover

My Brother’s Keeper?:

The Complicated Relationship between American Jews and Israel

"A rich work of insight on the surprising and important relationship between American Jews and Israel. A rewarding, eye-opening read" -Ambassador Alberto M. Fernandez

Everyone is focused on Israel, everyone has an opinion on it but few people really know or 
understand Israel and its complex people and politics. This book easy to read and follow history/politics books provides a fascinating explanation fo the socio-political differences between American and Israeli Jews. It also explains how Israel serves as a metaphor for the tensions between National-globalist movements that are currently shaping Europe and the United States

In 2019, President Donald Trump said that American Jews who do not support Israel are disloyal – not to America, but to the Jewish people. His remarks sparked a media firestorm in America, but not in Israel.The relationship between the world’s two largest Jewish communities – in Israel and the United States – is a
complicated one. It is consequential to Judaism, but it sheds light also on broader cultural issues at the forefront of American life, such as nationalism, Judeo-Christian relations, antisemitism, and the special relationship between
Israel and the United States. 

This book answers the following questions:
 Is Judaism a religion or a nation?
 Why are American Jews ambivalent about Israel? Why are Israelis ambivalent about American Jews?
 Why do Christian evangelicals support Israel without hesitation or reservation?
 Why are most American Jews Democrats and Israelis Republicans?
 Why is antisemitism flourishing on the left?
 Why is American Jewry demographically stagnant, while Israeli Jewry grows by leaps and bounds? 
 What is the future of American Jewry and its relationship with Israel?

Monday, July 29, 2024

Simple Financial Wealth: How to Manage Your Finances and Secure Your Retirement!

 Book Cover


Simple Financial Wealth:

How to Manage Your Finances and Secure Your Retirement!

Prevent stress, hardship, and the fear of your future. Ensure your peace of mind and secure your golden years by embracing a smart financial strategy!
Retirement seems light years away when you're young, carefree, and wrapped up in the whirlwind of life.

“I'll do it later.”

“I'll start planning my financial future when I make more money.”

“I'm too young to think about retirement.”

These are the excuses you may make to avoid dipping your toes in the deep waters of money management.

Some people wait eternally for that promotion or salary bump…. Others believe that the government's got their back…. Then there are those who simply find investing daunting, and would rather avoid it altogether than risk making a wrong move.

But guess what? Time has a sneaky way of catching up.

It has happened to more people than you may imagine.

They wake up one day, and retirement age is suddenly not as far off as it once seemed.

Do you want to be the person who nervously crunches numbers, worrying about making ends meet in their golden years?

Or do you prefer to 
be a savvy individual who takes charge of their finances starting right now?

Introducing your go-to guide for mastering the art of money management – this book!

No more feeling left out when your friends toss around terms like investments, returns, mutual funds, and 401(k). 
Gain financial confidence and security with this guide.

Inside, you will discover:

  • The ABCs of investing—discover the tricks of choosing the right investment, be it stocks, bonds, and mutual funds
  • 3 simple techniques to improve your credit score and save yourself from unwarranted rental challenges and high insurance premiums
  • Set it and forget it—automate your finances and give up the mental burden of remembering when to put what amount in which saving instrument
  • How to balance a side hustle with full-time work—from financial planning

to legal and tax considerations, you’re all covered

  • Discover strategies of using credit wisely with the simple dos and don'ts of credit card use
  • 10+ common budgeting pitfalls and how to avoid them to maintain your financial equilibrium
  • 6 ways to protect yourself against fraud (and what to do if you get scammed)
  • Tax-efficient investing—master proven methods like asset location strategies, tax-loss harvesting and keeping more of your gains to yourself
  • The decentralized world of blockchain—be a part of the future of technology and Investment and uncover where to invest in blockchain

And much more.

Just like constructing a sturdy building, setting up your finances creates a foundation for your future. This foundation supports your financial goals, aspirations, and dreams.

Setting up your finances is not just about managing money; it's about taking control of your destiny.

It's about shaping a future where financial barriers do not limit your potential.

So, embrace the journey of financial empowerment—start today, and pave the way for a prosperous and fulfilling tomorrow!
Establish a safety net that cushions you against unexpected expenses and life's uncertainties.

Click here to get Simple Financial Wealth

on Amazon / Kindle / Kindle Unlimited / Audiobook 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Welcome to the Madhouse

 Book Cover

Welcome to the Madhouse

Darren is having a breakdown. Darren's mom enlists the help of the deranged family Dr. Dr. Gag, who creates an experimental facility to treat him and others having difficulty. It doesn't look like it's going well for Darren as we join him on a wild ride inside insanity and out the other end. Though, as out of control as things may get, it's truly a trip of some of the most unique experiences he's ever had.

Monday, July 22, 2024


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Chavonne’s book title is aptly named as it does not disappoint in bringing an extraordinary and creative ability to motivate, encourage, and inspire her readers to think higher as we consider and plan our future endeavors. 

She draws the reader in with a point of view from the lens of one whose thoughts and ways are higher than ours. It does not fail to ignite and propel the reader towards higher heights and deeper depths as we navigate our life’s journey.

Click here to get Xpectations on Amazon 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Hezekiah's Complete Emotional Growth Bundle

 Bundle of 3 books

Hezekiah's Complete Emotional Growth Bundle

SAVE with the BUNDLE! Unlock the full potential of emotional learning with the "Hezekiah's Complete Emotional Growth Bundle"! This special bundle includes the heartwarming books "Hezekiah's Heartfelt Journey" and "Hezekiah Finds P.E.A.C.E.," along with the comprehensive 150+ page workbook, "Hezekiah's Emotions Expedition." Join Hezekiah Gayles on his adventures as he learns to embrace change and navigate big emotions with courage and mindfulness. These engaging stories and interactive activities are thoughtfully designed to help kids conquer their feelings using fun and memorable techniques. Perfect for families, educators, and counselors, this bundle offers a complete set of resources to support children's emotional growth and resilience. With captivating narratives and practical exercises, Hezekiah's journey will inspire kids to manage their emotions and face new challenges with confidence. Get the full experience of Hezekiah's heartfelt adventures and equip your child with the tools to thrive emotionally. Order the "Hezekiah's Complete Emotional Growth Bundle" today and embark on this enriching journey together!

Click here to get Hezekiah's Complete Emotional Growth Bundle

book Cover

Welcome to the amazing adventure of Hezekiah! In "Hezekiah's Heartfelt Journey: Embracing Change with Courage," join Hezekiah as he learns to navigate big changes and tame his big emotions with emotion skills, bravery and heart.


Hezekiah is just like you - he faces challenges, feels scared sometimes, and has to deal with lots of changes. But through his journey, he discovers that with a little courage and a lot of heart, he can handle anything that comes his way!


This heartwarming story is perfect for kids who are learning to cope with changes, whether it's a new school, a move, or just the everyday ups and downs of growing up. Hezekiah's story will show you that it's okay to feel big emotions and that you have the power to embrace change and come out stronger.


Colorful illustrations and easy-to-read, "Hezekiah's Heartfelt Journey" is a delightful read for kids. It's a book that parents and children can enjoy together, sparking conversations about feelings, courage, and the exciting adventure of growing up.


Join Hezekiah on his heartfelt journey and discover how embracing change with courage can make you a true hero. Get your copy today and start the adventure!

Click here to get 

Hezekiah's Heartfelt Journey: Embracing Change with Courage

Book Cover

Join Hezekiah on an exciting and heartfelt adventure in "Hezekiah Finds P.E.A.C.E.: On the First Day of School"! Follow Hezekiah as he navigates the big emotions and new experiences of starting at a new school in a new town.


Hezekiah feels a mix of excitement and nerves about his first day at a new school. He wonders what it will be like, who he will meet, and how he will fit in. But with help from his mom and dad and the special emotion-taming skill he learned from his previous School Counselor and practiced with his dad, P.E.A.C.E., Hezekiah is able to manage his feelings and make the most of his new adventure!


This delightful story is perfect for kids who are about to start school or are dealing with any new beginnings. Hezekiah's journey will teach young readers how to manage emotions and the importance of being patient, understanding others, accepting new situations, being brave, and staying positive.


With colorful illustrations and engaging storytelling, "Hezekiah Finds P.E.A.C.E." is ideal for elementary-aged children. Parents and kids will love reading this book together, discovering ways to handle big emotions and new experiences with confidence and joy.


Join Hezekiah on his first day of school and see how he finds P.E.A.C.E. in every moment. Order your copy today and embark on this heartwarming journey!

Click here to get 

Hezekiah Finds P.E.A.C.E: on the First Day of School

Workbook Cover

Introducing "Hezekiah's Emotions Expedition," an essential companion for elementary-aged kids, families, and school counselors. This comprehensive workbook, spanning over 100 pages, is designed to support children's emotional and social development through engaging activities and structured lesson plans.


Aligned with ASCA standards and mindsets, the workbook provides a series of School Counseling Lesson Plans that are easy to follow and implement. Each lesson is thoughtfully crafted to help children understand and manage their feelings and emotions, promoting a positive mindset and healthy social interactions.


Filled with fun games, interactive activities, and creative exercises, "Hezekiah's Emotions Expedition" makes learning about emotions an enjoyable experience. Kids will love the colorful pages and the variety of activities that cater to different learning styles.


Whether used in the classroom, during counseling sessions, or at home with family, this workbook offers valuable tools and resources to help children navigate their feelings and build emotional resilience. Parents and counselors will appreciate the structured approach, clear guidance, and the focus on fostering strong emotional intelligence in young learners.


Join Hezekiah on this educational journey and empower children to embrace their emotions with confidence and joy. Order your copy of "Hezekiah's Emotions Expedition" today and make emotional learning a fun and enriching experience for every child!

Click here to get 

Workbook: Hezekiah's Emotions Expedition

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Couples Savings Plan: Love, Save and Grow Together

  Book Cover

The Couples Savings Plan:

Love, Save and Grow Together

Unlock the Secrets to Financial Harmony and Abundance

In "The Couples Savings Plan," renowned relationship and financial expert Rob Alex, Ph.D., provides a comprehensive guide to achieving financial security and strengthening your relationship through practical strategies and metaphysical principles. Drawing from his personal journey of overcoming significant debt after a divorce, Rob Alex combines real-world financial advice with the transformative power of the law of attraction and manifesting.

A Step-by-Step Guide for Couples

This book offers a detailed roadmap for couples looking to navigate the complexities of saving and investing together. From setting up a savings plan and managing everyday expenses to exploring additional income opportunities and leveraging the metaphysical side of money, "The Couples Savings Plan" covers all aspects of financial planning. Rob Alex emphasizes the importance of teamwork, open communication, and mutual support in achieving your financial goals.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Setting a Plan: Learn how to create realistic savings goals and track your progress with visual tools.
  • Balanced Living: Discover how to enjoy life and maintain a fulfilling relationship while saving money.
  • Smart Spending and Earning: Explore ways to boost your savings through smart spending habits and side businesses.
  • Managing Vices: Understand how to control spending on common vices and support each other in making healthier financial choices.
  • Professional Guidance: Find out how to seek professional financial advice and utilize resources like employee assistance programs.
  • Embracing Metaphysical Principles: Harness the power of the law of attraction and positive thinking to attract financial abundance.
  • Understanding Money’s Energy: Learn how to interact with money's energy to enhance your financial well-being.
  • Overcoming Setbacks: Gain strategies to manage financial setbacks and stay motivated on your savings journey.

A Unique Approach

"The Couples Savings Plan" stands out by integrating practical financial strategies with a deep understanding of the emotional and energetic aspects of money. Rob Alex’s holistic approach ensures that couples can achieve financial success without sacrificing the joy and connection in their relationship.

About the Author

Rob Alex, Ph.D., is a renowned expert in relationship dynamics and financial planning for couples. With a Ph.D. in Metaphysics and decades of experience, he has dedicated his career to helping couples achieve both emotional and financial harmony. His personal journey of overcoming debt and rebuilding his financial life inspired him to share his insights and strategies with others.

Transform Your Financial Future Together

Whether you’re just starting your financial journey or looking to enhance your current strategies, "The Couples Savings Plan" provides the guidance and inspiration you need. By working together and embracing both practical and metaphysical principles, you and your partner can achieve your financial dreams and build a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.

Embark on your path to financial harmony and abundance with "The Couples Savings Plan" – a must-read for any couple committed to building a prosperous future together.

Click here to get 

The Couples Savings Plan: Love, Save and Grow Together

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Becoming Beautiful I

  Book Cover

Megan's life takes an unexpected turn after a devastating car accident leaves her face scarred and her memories fractured. As she grapples with loss, self-identity, and the harsh judgment of a world fixated on appearances, Megan discovers an unlikely source of strength within herself. Navigating the labyrinth of emotional scars, Megan embarks on a journey of self-discovery, spurred by the unwavering support of her father and the resilience of her grandmother. Amidst the shadows of her past, Megan finds solace in a newfound passion hosting the Love Comes From Inside podcast. With a concealed identity, Megan extends a lifeline to strangers, sharing stories of hope, self-acceptance, and the transformative power of love. "Becoming Beautiful" explores the complexities of beauty, resilience, and the profound impact of self-love. Megan's journey invites readers to ponder the transformative nature of inner strength, challenging societal norms, and embracing the beauty that truly comes from within.

Click here to get Becoming Beautiful I on Amazon / Kindle

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

From the Inside Out

 Book Cover

From the Inside Out

What if beauty wasn't defined by appearance, but by the way we treat each other? Step into "From the Inside Out," a heartwarming children's book that takes you on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and empowerment.

Set in the enchanting world of an observatory, young Nana finds herself caught up in the harsh words and cruel judgment of her classmates. As the pain digs deeper, she begins to question her own worth and beauty. But when her compassionate mother takes her and her little sister, Kenley, on a transformative adventure, they discover a world where acceptance and kindness reign supreme.

Through the observatory's windows, Nana and Kenley witness a symphony of diversity - people of all backgrounds, skin colors, and appearances. They learn that true beauty isn't just about outward features, but about the uniqueness and strength that resides within each person. Guided by their wise mother, they embark on a journey of understanding and embracing their own inner beauty.

In a society too often focused on shallow standards, "From the Inside Out" tackles important themes of self-esteem, bullying, and acceptance with sensitivity and grace. It highlights the power of empathy and how it can transform lives. This uplifting tale invites young readers to celebrate diversity and cultivate kindness in their own lives.

Get ready to be captivated by Nana's story as she discovers the importance of resilience, family love, and the incredible strength that comes from within. Dive into this empowering children's book today and let its powerful message resonate with you long after you turn the final page.

Click here to get From the Inside Out on Amazon / Kindle

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